

Information regarding grades/marks is published in the Academic Regulations section of the Undergraduate Catalog of Studies.

Grade Exclusion Policy

Under the Grade Exclusion Policy, undergraduate students may improve their University of Arkansas (UA) undergraduate cumulative grade-point average (GPA) by requesting that the university exclude up to 9 credit hours in courses taken at the UA in which a grade of “D” or “F” was received. Click here for the full policy and for the link to the Grade Exclusion request form.

Final Grades

Campus Council policy (1978) provides that instructors for on-campus courses are to report final grades as soon as possible and no later than two working days following the end of the final exam period.

Early Progress/Midterm Grades

The Faculty Senate has gone on record as "affirming the fundamental responsibility of instructors to inform students of their progress in courses as accurately and completely as possible." In meeting this responsibility, early progress grades are entered into the student information system by instructors starting in the fifth week through the end of the sixth week of class during the fall and spring terms for students in 1000- and 2000-level full-term courses. Instructors in upper-level and graduate classes may also enter early progress grades at their discretion through the eighth week of classes.  Early progress grade reports are available to students as soon as they are submitted.  Reports are made available in the seventh week to the deans' offices for advising.

Entering/Changing Grades

For more information on entering and changing grades, refer to the following documentation:

UAConnect information, including training documentation, can be found at the UAConnect homepage.