Transcript Request
- The University of Arkansas transcript is a complete record of the student's enrollment and academic history at the University of Arkansas, including all undergraduate, graduate, and law courses. Partial transcripts based on a student’s career (undergraduate, graduate, or law), or transcripts that include only selected coursework, are not available. Click here to view our transcript guide. For current grades and marks, click here.
- Transcripts may not be picked up by a third party unless the student has given written authorization with the request.
- A photo ID is required for transcript pickup.
- There is a cost of $10.00 per official transcript.
Apostille / Certification
Students needing an apostille added to their transcript will first need to request a notarized copy of their transcript through the Office of the Registrar. The document will then need to be submitted to the Arkansas Secretary of State’s office for the apostille / certification. Click here for information on the process and to download the apostille request form.
Delivery Methods
- Pick up in person
- U.S. mail
- Email*
- Overnight Service*
*Additional charges will be applied for these services
Request Methods
Transcripts can be requested by the following methods:
The University of Arkansas has authorized Parchment to provide our online transcript ordering system. You can order transcripts using a Visa or MasterCard at any time of the day or week. Parchment will process transcript orders from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Your credit card will be charged when your order is complete.
- Click here to order an official transcript(s) through the Parchment site.
- Click "Ordering your own credentials or academic records" or "Ordering on behalf of someone else" and the Parchment site will provide instructions for placing your order, including delivery options and fees. You can order as many transcripts as you like in a single session at $10.00 per transcript. Parchment charges sales tax for each order as well as a $2.75 processing fee for each recipient (transcript addressee).
- Order updates will be emailed to you. You can also check order status and history online here.
- If you need assistance or have questions about Parchment transcript ordering service, please go here.
Bring a photo ID to the Office of the Registrar at 146 Silas H. Hunt Hall or at 1083 East Sain Ave. in Fayetteville. Transcripts can only be released with the written authorization of the student. Identification will be required for transcripts to be picked up in person. Payment must be made by cash or check only.