Spring 2025 Final Exam Schedule

The first scheduled meeting time for a class determines the final examination period for that class. Classes having a common final examination for all sections should consult the schedule below for the exam time of common finals.

Click here for the university's final exam policy, which includes information for students who have three or more final exams scheduled on a single day.

To print a copy of the schedule please utilize the pdf version below to ensure proper formatting.

Spring 2025 Final Exam Schedule

Final Exam Date Class Meeting Time/
Common Final
Exam Time
May 5, 2025
MATH 11103, 12003, 21003, 22003 During Posted Math Testing Center Hours
CHEM 12103; CHEM 14103 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Mon/Wed/Fri 10:45 AM 10:15 AM to 12:15 PM
Mon/Wed/Fri 12:55 PM 12:45 PM to 2:45 PM
Mon/Wed/Fri 2:00 PM 3:00 PM  to 5:00 PM
SEVI 30103/SEVI 301H3
MATH 13004, 24005, 24004, 240H4, 25004, 250H4, 26004, 260H4
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Mon/Wed/Fri 5:15 PM
Mon & Mon/Wed Classes Starting
5:00 PM or Later Alternate Time Slot for Makeup Exams
7:45 PM to 9:45 PM
May 6, 2025
MATH 11003 (Sections 51 and Above)
See Instructor for Details
During Posted Math Testing Center Hours
Tue/Thu 9:30 AM 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
FOREIGN LANGUAGE 10103, 10203, 10106, 11003, 20103, 20203
CLASSES (FREN, JAPN, CHIN) EXCEPT ARAB 10103, 10106, 20106;
CHRK 10103, 10203; GERM 10103, 10203, 20103, 20203;
GREK 10203, 20103, 20203;
ITAL 10103, 10203, 20103, 20203;
LATN 10103, 10203, 20203;
RUSS 10103, 10203, 20103, 20203;
SPAN 10103, 10203, 20103, 20203, 202H3
10:15 AM to 12:15 PM
Tue/Thu 12:30 PM 12:45 PM to 2:45 PM
Tue/Thu 3:30 PM 3:00 PM  to 5:00 PM
FINN 20403/FINN 204H3 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Tue & Tue/Thu
Classes Starting 5:00 PM or Later
Alternate Time Slot for Makeup Exams
7:45 PM to 9:45 PM
May 7, 2025
MATH 11003 (Sections 1 - 50)
See Instructor for Details
During Posted Math Testing Center Hours
Mon/Wed/Fri 8:35 AM 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Mon/Wed/Fri 9:40 AM 10:15 AM to 12:15 PM
Mon/Wed/Fri 11:50 AM 12:45 PM to 2:45 PM
Mon/Wed/Fri 3:05 PM 3:00 PM  to 5:00 PM
SEVI 20503/SEVI 205H3
CHEM 14203/CHEM 142H3
CHEM 36203/CHEM 362H3/CHEM 37103
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Mon/Wed 4:35
Mon/Wed/Fri 4:10 PM
Wed Classes Starting 5:00 PM or Later
Alternate Time Slot for Makeup Exams
7:45 PM to 9:45 PM
May 8, 2025
MATH 20503 During Posted Math Testing Center Hours
Tue/Thu 8:00 AM 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Tue/Thu 11:00 AM 10:15 AM to 12:15 PM
Tue/Thu 2:00 PM 12:45 PM to 2:45 PM
Tue/Thu 4:00 PM
Tue/Thu 4:30 PM
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
PHYS 20203
MGMT 21003/MGMT 210H3
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Thu Classes Starting 5:00 PM or Later Alternate Time Slot for Makeup Exams 7:45 PM to 9:45 PM
May 9, 2025
Mon/Wed/Fri 7:30 AM Alternate Time Slot for Makeup Exams 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
ISYS 21003/ISYS 210H3;
BUSI 10303/BUSI 103H3
Alternate Time Slot for Makeup Exams
10:15 AM to 12:15 PM

Each faculty member is required to give final examinations at times specified in the examination schedule. Whenever circumstances make necessary a deviation from the announced schedule, clearance for such deviation must be obtained from the appropriate dean and the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs.