Academic Advising

Academic advising is an active, ongoing exchange between the advisors and students, grounded in teaching and learning. Advising is based on students gaining accurate and appropriate information and direction to help make their educational experience relevant, coherent, and meaningful. It is a process that assists students in connecting with the University of Arkansas, making thoughtful decisions related to their academic experiences, and maximizing their educational and career opportunities. Quality academic advising is essential to achieving the University’s vision.

University of Arkansas Statement on Academic Advising

Academic advising can be one of the most important resources in your educational experience. Your advisor can help you explore programs of studies, understand academic policies and procedures, select appropriate classes, and review your degree audit. Basically, your advisor can help you navigate through your college experience.

Take advantage of academic advising by visiting with your advisor regularly each semester. For more information on the advising process in your college, contact your dean’s office or visit the Academic Advising Council website at

To declare or change your program of study (major, minor, etc.), you will need to go the advising office or the dean's office of the program you want to declare or change to.  These college contacts are listed below. 


Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences

Phone: 479-575-2252
Location: Waldrip Student Center AGRI 205

Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design

Phone: 479-575-2399
Location: WALK 120

All students please check the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design advising resources.

J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences

Fullbright College Academic Services
Phone: 479-575-4801
Location: CORD 136

Please check the Fulbright College advising resources.

Sam M. Walton College of Business

Location: WCOB 328

  • Walton College freshmen: Contact your Freshman Business Connections mentor
  • Undergraduate students: Call 479-575-4622
  • Graduate students: Call 479-575-2851
  • For undergraduate student additional information, visit the Walton College advising center.

College of Education and Health Professions

Please check the College of Education and Health Professions advising resources.

College of Engineering

Phone: 479-575-3051

Undergraduate students: Please visit the College of Engineering advising resources.

School of Law

Phone: 479-575-5612
Location: WATR 131

Graduate School

Degree-Seeking graduate students: Advisor's office