Scheduling Classes
The colleges are notified when the Schedule of Classes has been copied from one semester to the next so they can begin making updates for the new term. Instructions and deadlines for completing changes are included in the notification, or "Call for Classes". The goal is to have the schedule of classes available for students use 4 to 6 weeks prior to the Advance Registration period for the term.
- As an aid to complying with ACT 1014 (Eight Semester Degree Completion Program), catalog term designations are now being enforced.
- The March 31, 1989 memorandum from Dr. Pederson to the Deans states that if a class requires a significant purchase of supplies, inordinate time commitments or unusual time requirements, then these must be listed in the Schedule of Classes. Please include this information in the Class Notes section to appear in the details of the Schedule of Classes.
Official Class Period Times
Please note that classes must use the standard class period times, as defined in the Academic Policy Series 1200.30, unless an exception has been approved by the Registrar’s Office. Unless otherwise instructed, exceptions may be requested by completing and submitting the Official Class Times Exceptions form. (Class sections that will meet in special purpose spaces or laboratory facilities do not require approval for official class time exceptions.) It is good practice to schedule classes according to the Official Class Times policy so that students encounter fewer scheduling conflicts and the impact on efficient utilization of classroom space is minimized.
Scheduling Classes Approved for Course Topic/Title
Classes that are approved for Course Topics (special topics, seminars) must list a topic for each section of the class being offered. Upon request, new topics are added to the Course Catalog by the Office of the Registrar.
Cancelling a Scheduled Class
Scheduled class sections without enrollment may be deleted without Registrar’s approval. Cancelling a scheduled class with enrollment is a process that includes notifying the enrolled students of the cancellation, and a workflow that requires Registrar’s Office approval.
Class Associations
Classes that include zero-credit hour components (Drills, Labs) must have unique association numbers for the lecture sections. The associated components may be linked to a specific lecture section or to any lecture section, depending on the course.
Classes with zero-credit hour components must have unique association numbers for the lecture sections, and an association of 9999 for the labs or drills if you want those component sections to be taken with any lecture section. Exceptions to this would be for those lecture sections you want tied to a specific drill or lab component section; in this case, it is acceptable to duplicate the class association between the lecture and the component.
Changing Class Component Types
When changes for the component types of a class are needed, it must be changed on Course Catalog first. For example, a previously listed class with the component of lecture (LEC) now needs to be listed as a seminar (SEM). Discrepancies between component type on the Schedule of Classes and on Course Catalog will prevent the ability to create a grade roster for the class. Please notify the curriculum management team if you need a component changed.