Presenting of Diploma at Commencement

The presenting of the diploma at commencement is primarily a ceremonial event as the degree is actually awarded after the ceremony once completion of all requirements have been verified by the college dean’s office. The protocol at the University of Arkansas is for the dean of the college to present the diploma cover to the student at commencement. However, there are situations in which another approved person may present the diploma cover.

The policy at the University of Arkansas is that only a faculty member (including emeritus), an administrator, a member of the Board of Trustees, or the system president, who is also a relative of the student, is allowed to present the diploma. Others, including alumni with none of the associations to the UA listed above, are not allowed to present a diploma at commencement. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Provost.

For the University Commencement ceremonies (spring and fall), requests must be submitted to the University Commencement Committee coordinators, Dr. Ed Bengtson,, or Gary Gunderman, Requests for the undergraduate and law commencement ceremonies in the spring must be approved by the college and are to be submitted to the appropriate dean’s office. All requests must be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the date of the ceremony.