Applying to Graduate

Students must apply by the deadline to be included in the commencement program book. Students graduating in the spring or the following summer are invited to attend spring commencement.

Graduation Term Application Deadline
Spring March 1
Summer July 1
Fall October 1

We're getting ready for you. Click here to see how.

University of Arkansas Graduation App

Students are encouraged to download the University of Arkansas Graduation app on Google Play or Apple devices for details on graduation and commencement including useful information about applying to graduate, attending commencement, and receiving the diploma. 

Family, friends, and other guests will find helpful information such as commencement schedules, parking maps, live streaming and the list of prospective graduates.

Applying to Graduate

Log into UAConnect to apply to graduate. Click the Degree Audit tile to find the link to apply when you have met one of the following criteria:

  • Undergraduate students with 90 or more earned hours.
  • Master's students with 21 or more earned hours.
  • PhD students with 42 or more earned hours.
  • Law students with 60 or more earned hours.

For assistance with the graduation application process in UAConnect, please see the Instructions to Apply to Graduate.

Have you previously applied to graduate and need to change your scheduled graduation date? Please complete the Reapplication to Graduate form and return it to the Registrar's Office.

Are you no longer a student and need to apply or were previously denied and need to reapply? Please email to request an application. Please contact your dean's office at the appropriate office listed below to confirm you have met, or will meet, your degree requirements to graduate.

Applying to graduate does not guarantee that your degree will be conferred. You must verify your degree requirements with your Dean's office.

Please note that your diploma will be sent approximately eight weeks following Commencement.

Colleges Office Phone
Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food & Life Sciences AGRI 205 (479) 575-2252
College of Engineering BELL 3189 (479) 575-6012
Fay Jones School of Architecture & Design WALK 120 (479) 575-2399
J. William Fulbright College of Arts & Science MAIN 525 (479) 575-4801
College of Education and Health Professions GRAD 316 (479) 575-4205
Sam M. Walton College of Business WCOB 328 (479) 575-4622
Graduate School OZAR 213 (479) 575-4401
School of Law WATR 197 (479) 575-7207

Graduation Fees

Graduation fees cover the cost of graduation-related activities such as Commencement, the ordering, printing, mailing of your diploma, and the retention of your records. When you apply to graduate through UAConnect your fees are billed directly to your Student Account.

Graduation Fees
  • Bachelor's
  • Master's and Ed.S.
  • Ph.D., Ed.D., DNP and OTD
  • JD and LLM
Certificates $25.00

A $25.00 late charge will apply for students who apply for graduation after the deadline of the term. Undergraduates applying more than four weeks late during the Spring or Fall terms must also obtain permission from the Dean's office of their college.  Students who apply late will not be included in the commencement program book.

Final Deadline to Apply to Graduate with $25.00 Late Fee
 Graduation Term Undergraduate Deadline Graduate Deadline
Spring March 31 Last Day of Spring Classes
Summer Last Day of Summer Classes Last Day of Summer Classes
Fall October 31 Last Day of Fall Classes

Learn more about commencement ceremonies.